Mixing Tools #2: Reference Tracks
If you think about it, there are not many things that are made without the use of tools. These tools normally depend upon each other in order to properly finish the job at hand. For example, this concept is seen in the relationship between a hammer and nail or even the relationship between a knife and cutting board. In our last article from "Tha Z Blog", we discussed how our ears are the most important tool we have to use musically. Just like that hammer needs the nail to fulfill it's purpose, our ears need sound to fulfill the purpose for which they were created. So, this is where our next tool will come in handy!
Reference Tracks
Any song can be used as a reference track. Normally, a commercially produced record is used as a point of reference during the production process because it upholds standards set throughout the music industry.
A Reference Track is exactly what it sounds like, it is simply a track (or song) that you refer to for a specific musical purpose. To get a better sense of the reason these tracks are used, let's take a look at a couple of definitions. Since reference comes from the word "refer" let's start there!
Refer: to pass a matter on to another body, usually one with more authority or expertise in order to make a decision!
In observing the definition above we see that the whole purpose of referencing is to MAKE A DECISION! That is what reference tracks do for us! They serve as authoritative guides to help us make the best informed decisions possible within our music (which would be the matter that is passed on mentioned in the definition). So in other words we are comparing our music to music that has been created by expert level professionals in the field. For what? For a GUIDED DECISION! Every aspect of your music is made up of decisions whether conscious or unconscious! Understanding the reason for each decision you make can save time, energy, money, make your music more cohesive, and more consistent!
Now let's look at our second definition.
Reference: the use of a source of information in order to ascertain something.
Upon applying our second definition to reference tracks we then begin to understand that they are also sources of information to learn from. Also, because these records were all made by professionals in the industry, listening to them consciously is almost like sitting down in a classroom and learning from them. For many of us this is the closest we will ever come to picking the brains of these musical geniuses especially if any of them are deceased.
No matter what your roles is in the creative process of music, reference tracks can be extremely useful if used properly. Others may disagree with my listing them as our second most important tool or maybe even a tool at all. However, I believe they are important to us because regardless of what we do musically, we strive to do it on a professional level. In order for our musical abilities to grow, we need a standard by which our ears and brain can be trained and developed through experience so that we can produce music at a level of excellence.
Always take the time before hand to determine your need for using a reference tracks. This will help guide you in which ones to select and why you are selecting them! The tracks you choose to reference will automatically determine it's ability to guide you toward your goal. Therefore select tracks that resemble what you are trying to accomplish.
Use tracks the are CD quality or high quality Mp3's. This is especially essential for those who are using the references for mixing and mastering. Seek out the cleanest copy of the music you are referring to so that you can have the best chance at hearing the song at it's best sonic quality. Also, be sure to listen to these tracks on the best speakers and headphones possible. (For you who are mixing and mastering, you will want to compare your work to them on a variety of systems!)
This especially goes during a session! As many as two or three reference tracks should be more than enough to help guide you along the way to accomplishing your musical goal. This can be depended on what your goals are but still try to remember that in music less is often more and try to stay focused on executing goals.
BE YOURSELF!!!! (Unless working for someone with a very specific request).
Remember, you DO NOT have to sound like a carbon copy of the track you are using as a reference. Learning good things from others is always great but never forget that Yahweh created you very uniquely and you need to stay that way! Reference tracks can help refine your sound but you must stay true to yourself as you grow. This can be done as you learn by adding what elements and concepts that you feel fit your music and removing ones that don't.
Pray asking The Most High for HIS guidance overall and that HE will open up your ears. Remember ultimately it is HIM who will perfect you and establish you according to HIS plan for your life!
With the use of these tracks over time, you will develop confidence in the musical decisions you make! The great thing is we ALL have access to reference tracks. There is a vast sea of music to choose from CD's, online streaming, vinyl records, and more..... There are many styles and artists galore to choose from. Just listening to music alone in a conscious way will bring instant growth to your perspective and approach to your creative process. You don't have to wait until you record to grab reference tracks either. You can pick a bunch you like and make a playlist just for conscious listening if you would like. HAVE FUN and whatever you do LISTEN! Those wonderful ears serve your music best when you feed them good high quality music that you can feel. Like they say, "If you listen you will learn"! Lol, even if that means learning what not to do....lol.... (But that's another topic)......
So, what are you currently working on musically? Are you a producer working on properly arranging that fyrr beat you just made? Are you an engineer polishing your mixing or mastering skills? Are you a vocalist working on singing more dynamically? Maybe your a guitarist perfecting a particular genre of music or songwriter studying a couple new rhyming scheme...... Whatever you are doing try using a couple reference tracks to help you out today! I guarantee you'll be glad you did!
If, this article helped you please like and share it! I would love to hear from you in the comments below! Don't forget to join our mailing list here and follow us on facebook and twitter! May Yahweh bless you in Yeshuah (Jesus) name. HalleluYah!
Good Day,
Zachary L. Engram