Mixing Tools #1: The Best Tool You Have!

Hello everybody! I pray that you are all doing well. I also hope you all have been re-reading the previous articles and getting those concepts into your spirit.
Well today we resume our journey learning to mix! Today we are simply diving in head
first to get more acquainted with the tools that we have to help us to produce a great mix. Now this article will benefit more than just the aspiring engineer and the mature one that just needs some focus realignment. Today's topic will also help the singer, rapper, guitarist, pianist, and anyone else who deals with handling music or sound in any way.
Why would I tell a person learning how to mix not to be afraid? Well, because there are so many tools that can be used to mix music. When you see the endless brands and types of gear, plug-ins and DAW's (Digital Audio Workstations) like Avid Pro Tools , Propellarhead Reason , and etc.... It is not hard to feel intimidated! The question comes to mind, "Where do I even begin with trying to learn this skill?" The good news is that most these things break down into categories. You will see that you don't need ALL these plug-ins, ALLLL this gear, or ALLLLLLLLL these DAW's. Just as a guitarist (for example) doesn't necessarily need every type of guitar, pedal, or amp! Tell Yahweh thank you now! Plus, understand that what you just read also just saved you tens of thousands of dollars!
Yahuah Has Given You With The Best!
My dear fellow musicians, engineers, and artists we live in a world where people are becoming increasingly desensitized. I think that without the mysteries of creation from heaven, technology could NEVER be what it is! Technology can be a great thing in my opinion. However, humanities spiritual enemies have been hard at work using these great revelations of creation against us so that we as people are led away from Yahweh instead to glorifying Him and drawing nearer to Him! We must be careful as believers not to idolize innovation and worship the creation rather than the creator! Romans 1 shows us very plainly that this leads man to sin and a state of mind that is rebellious and morally detached from the way Yahweh intended them to be. Just like The Most High's people made the became reprobate in the mind and led astray, we too can be blinded and misled within musical learning by not looking to Yahweh as THE source of learning and understanding! Besides you already are equipped with TWO OF THE MOST IMPORTANT AND MOST EXPENSIVE SET OF TOOLS YOU CAN POSSESS in all of music or life for that matter! Yahweh gave them to you long ago! lololol!
They're on the side of your head. They may be big or small. They may stink if you don't wash them. They may be damaged and need Yahweh's healing if you don't properly protect them! I'm talking bout them good ole "dumbos"! lolol.... That's right you got it! YOUR EARS! See, it starts with The Most High! He created you with ears, the greatest tool you have for mixing music or learning anything musically for that matter! LOLOL.... Yup! Just go on and take a minute to praise Him!
We get so caught up in life that we forget our ears are even there even though we are listening to things ALL DAY! lol.... You want to be a good mixer or good at anything musical? Then you MUST learn to appreciate your ears! Learn to LISTEN to the character and texture of the music and also in all the other things surrounding you! LEARN to listen to The Voice of The Most High! I pray He will open up all of our ears in Yeshuah name! LISTEN, HEAR, ENJOY, LEARN!!!! When it comes to mixing, the other tools you will have to learn to use will do you absolutely NO GOOD if you don't prioritize what you HEAR to be what MATTERS FIRST. Regardless of how expensive they are and how cool they look, audio processors only accomplish there when you EARS (as a mixer) are accomplishing theirs!
Now, you may think this is simple and easy. However, as you continues to grow and train your ears to hear in a more focus capacity, your appreciation for sound and The Creator will certainly increase! This is continuing to happen for me EVERY DAY! Don't try to start learning with what man has made, which is a derivative and combination of what Yahweh has already created with His Word! Rather begin with what The Father above has already naturally given you! This way you can approach your music with self- control instead of being led around in circles by confusion! Remember it takes TIME! Be patient with the process! BE CONSISTENT! BE DILIGENT EVEN THROUGH THE STORMS OF YOUR LIFE! BE LEAD BY THE HOLY SPIRIT!
Your ears are your greatest tools and you don't even have to buy them! No matter what you do in music, whether you are a recording engineer, mix engineer, drummer, bassists, vocalist, organist, do live sound at "church", or something else, PAY ATTENTION!!!! USE THOSE EARS! This really can't be said enough!
Well, look out for next week's article as we continue this learning experience! Please keep me in prayer in Yeshuah name as well! Thank you for your time! Please like, comment, and share this article was helpful! Don't forget to join our mailing list, follow us on facebook, and twitter as well. I love yall! Yah Bless You!

Good Day,
Zachary L. Engram